Friday, August 7, 2015

Reflection #5: Membership

What struck me most were the peer group and membership sections. In these sections it spoke about student involvement and students really feeling like they belong. As a football player, I am apart of a core group. I see the influences of being a part of the football team everyday, bother positive and negative.  As a football player I know that I was more motivated to make certain grades in order to be able to play in games. I was also motivated to stay academically eligible to stay on the team. This is also true for other sports and school groups. Being a part of these groups motivates you to do your best just to stay part of the group.
            The football team was very important to me in high school. That was my social bond. They were my friends, and basically like brothers to me. If any took that away from me, who knows where I would be. I liked the Alderman chapter a lot because it spoke about the influence of being in such social groups. As an educator who was influenced by a social group, I think it is important for me to remember the importance of these social interactions. I think these connections I vital to motivation within the classroom, but I also believe it is important to show students that that is only a piece of the puzzle.
            As an athlete and student I found it hard to differentiate what was important. At times I thought that it didn’t matter what I did in school as long as I performed in school. As college was becoming a more realistic goal, I knew that was far from the truth. I had to make the grade and perform on the field. This is where student interest came into play. In the Role of Interest article, it spoke about the importance of student interest.  My English teacher really took the time to see what I was interested in. He started showing me books about sports and different stories that had topics that I would want to read about. His extra effort showed me that there was thing in school that I actually like and could spend time on.
            As a teacher I think it is always important for me to meet students where they are. I have to figure out what they like, and find things that they are interested in. As student-athlete it is really important to me to help other kids with potential. I think that other athlete’s with skills get looked over because no one wants to take the time to help them make the grade.  I would definitely be a teacher to help other students stay on track and help them fulfill their full potential.